American Celebrity Interviewer in Tokyo

American Celebrity Interviewer in Tokyo

 Allan Murphy and Graham Bathgate

Cliff Harringotn Memoir

Cliff Harrington interviewed dozens of visiting celebrities in Tokyo in the 1970s and ’80s. Among many were Sophia Loren, Robert Mitchum, Mel Gibson, Olivia Newton-John, Barbara Streisand, Sylvester Stallone and Rod Stewart. Cliff had many strings to his bow, starting out in Tokyo as a photo-journalist travelling to the Antarctic and Borneo, teaching English, writing articles, acting in many movies and doing years of recording work, including announcements at Tokyo Disneyland. This is our tribute to Cliff, a friend and colleague over many years in Tokyo.

Queen of Silver Screen Sophia Loren is Here
Two queens in a month … The first was Elizabeth II and the second that regal lady of the silver screen … At close range, she was the same vision of loveliness that we had seen many times on the screen. The cascade of red hair, the classic nose, the generous, often smiling mouth and the luminous brown eyes all had their magic effect on us.
From an article by Cliff in The Daily Yomiuri, May 22, 1975

“I met Cliff when I started teaching at ELEC in 1987. We had a lot in common: my army connections (my father was in the Canadian army and we travelled), an instinct for travel both of us indulging extensively, Japanese wives and a love of Japan, and even a shared experience of celebrity interviewing – my six interviews not the same number as Cliff’s. Sorting through Cliff’s photo and article archive was, and still is a fascinating experience. I sincerely thank his wife, Tomoko for the privilege.”
Allan Murphy, Tokyo, 2019

“We arrived in Japan, 1982 and envied Cliff his long time in Japan, 15 years there already. He would be there for 30 years more. It was a pleasure to work and socialise with him in 20 of those years. Cliff helped me with teaching and to get some modelling work; he supported the school union to professionalise the school, and we enjoyed his stories after work over a drink. Tokyo, even that thrilling city, was more interesting because of Cliff.”
Graham Bathgate, Kerikeri, New Zealand, 2019

American Celebrity Interviewer in Tokyo: Cliff Harrington talking to Allan Murphy in 1998.
The start of the interview tells about his life before Japan.

Click on the links below to read excerpts from this publication:

“I have shaken the hand of Moses, Michelangelo and Ben Hur.”

Cliff Harrington – A Memoir

My Tokyo Stories