Mindin’ The Man – Last Wurrz

Last Wurrz!

This has been an enjoyable getherin’ o’ mindin’s, and ah like tae think that my ancient drouthy crony widdah lo’ed to see and appreciate the collection – ken fine furshure he widdah hud a guid lauch, encouraged to recall many mair daft stories. Perhaps too, in his dying weeks it would have softened his thinking a wee bitty o’ his ancient gravedigging gabba and equally drouthy crony, maybe recallin’ the great guid times raither’an some dreich bits. 

The baith o’ us, baith Beth and I find it interesting that towards his end, maybe in the last week of his life – not that he kent it was close to karking at the time – there wuz nae reply to a couple of emails asking if we could briefly visit. Ho hum … we couldnae help but tak it as didnae wanna see us, strange coz he admired Beth. Onnywye, we just wanted to say ta-ta and toodle-oo, mair fur wur ain peaces o’ myne than onnywan else’s.

Nae wurriz! I suppose if yer pissed off at life dealin’ ye a death blow, pissed off at the wee pickle o’ yer life left, pissed aff an’ engert by yer lang-time freen’, then I guess replyin’ is a pain, especially in the affirmative. If I’d thocht o’ it at the time, James wouldah loved, “So yer no’ dying tae see usyins?!” Furrsure, he had a guid lauch during life eneuch to stand him in guid stead arra hinter en’. 

I was happy to hear from equally auld trusty drouthy crony Tom Bell, mutual medical mate, who visited The Man for a few days in the last week of his life. He said he’d fund some acceptance of life the noo and even of imminent death. They shared braw mindin’s o’ ra auld days, recalling fondly wur grand times thegither. It was a relief for me tae hear tha’ he showed some fortitude and equanimity – he often displayed that in his life and work, and folks say that we dee as we lived. Onnywye, it’s surely ra wye tae leave this worl’, even if one is hoor-of-an ill. There were reports a wee bit mair negative, no’ dealin’ weel wi’ the dee’in awfy weel, and tha’ fair pit me aff karkin’ it mahsel’. I also heard from Tom that The Man had taken offence to some of my behaviour in life. I am deeply sorry I hurt his feelings and even sorrier that he recalled such at the hinter end o’ life, but I would have to say it was nothing intentional and there’s no’ muckle accountin’ for how people cun tak offence, something that James wouldah kent a bit mair aboot than mahsel’. Still, I would hope that at times he was able to say, “Piece o’ piss, man!” and is able to wish me “Get it doon ya!” from wherever he is ra noo.

In the latter days I’ll bet ye a big help was the fine bottle of liqueur that Tom brocht wi’ him, first introduced tae him by James over 50 years afore, I think Dubonnet or some such … ah’ll betcha it helpt tae create the recountin’ o’ monie happy memories!

Mine stretched back 62 years! Add Tom’s number tae gie a combo o’ 117 years … a lang daft time o’ it, eh? Ah noo tak hert in thinkin’ mah aul’ freen’z lum reeked pretty fung weel, a guid lang time an’ kept fairly clean. An’ ah hope baith these guid freenz are daen awa’ a’richt, aye minding the guid craics they hud. Still, I’ll never forget his last words tae me: “Fung Kunche!” spoken very typically but not very suitably, especially in their memorable ferocity.

Whare hae ye been sae braw, lad?
Whare hae ye been sae brankie, O?
Whare hae ye been sae braw, lad?
Cam ye by Killiecrankie, O?

An’ ye had been whaur I hae been,
Ye wadna been sae cantie, O;
An’ ye hud seen what I hae seen,
I’ the braes o’ Killiecrankie, O.

Ahm no’ awa’ tae bide awa’  … Er, um, er, mair like this, eh?:

Ah’m awa’ tae bide awa’

Ah’m awa’ tae leave ye,

Ah’m awa’ tae bide awa’

Ah’ll no’ be back tae see ye.