Mindin’ o’ James – Apéro (Main)

(Ra first para. here, some o’ it wuz took frae ra start o’ “Gravediggin’ Days”)  Raisin’ a gless or three tae James; it was aye that monicker used bah his freenz at school (thaz “skil” in ra vernac’lar) in Perth lang syne inra early 1960s. James’s pals were Ewen, now in Glesgey; Lynda in Eberdeen; Dennis in Perth, an’ John an’ “Chud” baith deid. Ah wad also include Alan McDonald, Tom Bell and Rod Muir, guid freenz at medical school in Embry – Alan’s noo in Barnsley, England; Tom’s in Brisbane and Rod’s aye in Embry. A’ o’ them ca’ed him James  … or Jay Bo … Jay Bor … The Man … The Doc … or oft-times summat thaz unmentionable here oot o’ a basic sense o’ decorum an’ consideration fur tender lugs.  Ae teacher at Perth Academy used to ca’ him “Borovitch”, saying quite often, “You’re a bit of an eccentric, Borovitch” … confirming whit we a’ weel kent but uzyins preferred ra Sco’ish endearment … “half-daft”.

It was hert-warming fur me, unable tae visit James in his last weeks, tha’ Tom an’ Karen managed tae see him, to be wi’ him and report how he was latterly – Tom’s carefu’ description was a real ee-opener coz ah hud nae idea tha’ he was hellishly suffering, fair pit oot wi’ a’ kin’s o’ drugs, emotions up an’ doon, betimes befuddled an’ incoherent, but straungely also fair normal an’ lucid … if I can use these words fur yin o’ ra maist eccentric people ah’ve e’re kent.   

JayBo had a quick turn o’ phrase tha’ verged on the weird, tossing in a solid dollop o’ ra vulgar, even mawkit. Ah hope the wee stories and memories here highlicht his distinct character an’ personality. Also tha’ they help tae stress his goodness an’ kindness, fur sure his unique style o’ ha’en a guid lauch – ye could ca’ some o’ it wuz potty humour!

Ah’ve tried here tae describe and exemplify James’s character and personality revelling inra daft, the humorous, the quirky, also his huge guid friendliness. Ah mind as young lads we walked oft times in ra hills, especially aroon’ Pitlochry in Scotland. He lo’ed open country and hill walking, goin’ tae the likes o’ Ben Nevis, the Pentlands and Arthur’s Seat, also tae Aviemore for skiing. He lo’ed gettin’ oot in the open, up oan ra tops, appreciating the freedom an’ the views. I will aye mind o’ him keenly when I sicht mountain tops (Fur sure no’ from them!) whether the French and Swiss Alps, the South Island o’ New Zealand or the Bens o’ Scotland. 


Note the plastic apron and the Tam O’Shanter with false hair.

Then there was Country music – Willie Nelson, Hank Williams and Johnny Cash – in their day, C&W of course. And the comedians: yin o’ his fayves was Chic Murray frae Greenock near Glasgow, a genius o’ stand-up comedy, wi’ tha’ crazy ability tae lauch at himsel’. James widdah lo’ed the likes of, “A Scot is a man who keeps the Sabbath, and everything else he can lay his hands on,” or “Mah faither was frae Eberdeen, and a mair generous maun ye couldnah wish tae meet. Ah’ve goatta goldwatch tha’ belonged tae him. He sold it tae me oan his deathbed. Ah wrote him a cheque for it, post-dated o’ course.”

He enjoyed simply and oft jokily speaking in the Scots dialect, emphasising the rhotic “r” and the lilting style for mair fun. I can hear him the noo usin’ expressions like “Whit’re ye sayin’?”, “Piece o’ piss, man”, “Yer bawzarra mince”, “Ur ye fu’ yet?” and “Get it doon ye!” all oft used, aye raisin’ a guid cackle. He wid say as the evening wore on well, “Aye, this is braw!”  – usually on ra second or third large dram … efter apéros o’ lager an’ then wine wi’ denner. If ye can dae tha’ I suppose life wid be braw.

James lo’ed Scotland, a’ things Sco’ish, in partic’ler the Scots songs bah the likes o’ Kenneth McKellar an’ the Corries, such as their “Braes o’ Killiecrankie”. Ah sometimes thocht he saw ra world through tartan-patterned spex, fur sure ra bagpipes seemed to skirl in his lugs. He wid dress up in tartan, maistly for a bit o’ fun, an’ ah could hear playin’ on ra turntable sic as “Haste ye Back”, “No’ Awa’ Tae Bide Awa’” or “Keep Right oan tae the End of the Road”. Then there was Andy Stewart and his “Donal’, Where’s your Troosers?” and Wee Willie McClarty, “the comedian with the awfy name”.

When we talked Sco’ish an’ recalled the great guid times back hame lang syne, a faraway, a’maist tearful look would cross his face – Sc’lun’ was in his soul. How he and Claire left the hameland lang syne ah’m nae sure but they arrived in New Zealand aboot three years efter me. Aiblins my extolling of Kiwiland virtues helped, in which case ah could say ah was the cause o’ much future creation, summat whilk I didnah manage in mah ain life … except a’ the braw writin’ sic like as this, fur share … aye an’ tae share!

 Ah hope ra stories here o’ James’s early life fu’o’ herty lauchs raise a broad smile.